Recent News
The City of Richland staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Help wanted in the Water Department
The City of Richland is looking to hire someone full-time to work in the Water dapartment. Qualifications are: must posse a valid Texas driver's license, have a clean driving record, would prefer someone with a Class C water operator license, but is will to pay for necessary training to obtain a Class C water operator license under contract.
New Website Domain
The City of Richland, Texas, is excited to announce the acquisition of its new ".gov" domain, solidifying our commitment to transparency, security, and trustworthiness in our online presence. With the launch of "," residents can now access official city information and services through a dedicated and government-validated web domain, providing a reliable source of accurate and up-to-date information.
New City Phone System
The City of Richland, Texas, is proud to announce the deployment of a new Voice over IP (VoIP) phone system, marking a significant leap forward in communication technology for our community. This cutting-edge system promises to revolutionize the way residents interact with local government services, offering a host of upgraded features and enhanced reliability.
Need Help with City Services Schedule?
Confused which day is YOUR trash pickup day? Does the City offer Recycling? When can I water my yard in the warmer months? Don't see the information you need? Give us a call, we will gladly assist you.
No Matter the Season - Conserve Water Everyday!
Water is our most precious resource! Everyday is an opportunity to save water every time you turn on the faucet. From kitchen, to laundry room and bathroom to your outdoor lawn and garden. Don't miss a chance to save money on your water bill and help the planet!